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April Gardening Jobs

At last, we have passed the spring equinox and it won’t get dark before 7pm now until October. Although it is sunny and warm on some days, do not be lulled into a false sense of security, “Ne’er cast a clout ‘til May be out”. Keep protecting your tender plants and fruit blossom from late frosts.

You can now sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild flower seed outdoors. Get your kids to sow sunflowers outside for a fun weekend job.

Tie in climbing and rambling roses while they are still controllable, if you slightly bend the stems, that will encourage the hormones to make them flower more profusely.

Repair and re seed lawns, hopefully by now you have been able to give lawns their first cut on a high setting. The most biodiverse lawns should be a mix of long and short grass. Leave the dandelions, they are a vital source of pollen for early pollinators and they help aerate soil and feed shallow rooted grasses.

Divide perennials and bamboos for extra free plants and to encourage flowering.

Increase the watering of houseplants, if you are plagued with fungus gnats, make sure the soil is allowed to dry out between watering and cover the soil with horticultural grit.

Feed your shrubs and roses, I prefer to use well-rotted manure or my own compost rather than chemicals.

This is the last chance to sow sweet peas, also you can plant out autumn grown ones against supports.

At last, you can buy and plant pond plants, a pond should have at least 60% of the surface covered with plants to prevent blanket weed.

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