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Capability Charlotte’s Gardening Calendar - January

January may seem like a quiet month in the garden, but it’s the perfect time to tackle essential tasks, especially pruning. The dormant season allows you to shape and care for your plants without risking harm, ensuring a flourishing garden come spring.

Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Winter is ideal for pruning deciduous trees and shrubs while their structure is easy to see. Remove dead, diseased, or crossing branches to improve airflow and encourage healthy growth. Apple and pear trees, in particular, benefit from winter pruning to shape their framework and enhance fruit production never prune more than 15% of a fruit tree, if you over prune it will stress the tree into growing unproductive water shoot. Avoid pruning stone fruit trees like cherries or plums now, as they are susceptible to diseases like silver leaf in cold, damp conditions.

Tidying Roses

January is a great time to prune bush roses to prepare them for the growing season. Cut back to outward-facing buds, removing any weak or spindly stems. This will create an open shape like a vase that promotes good air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

Cutting Back Wisteria

Wisteria needs attention this month. Prune summer side shoots back to two or three buds from the main framework to control size and encourage abundant flowers.

Other Tasks to Tackle

While pruning is a priority, don’t forget to check stored bulbs and tubers for rot, clear debris from borders, and clean, sharpen and oil tools for the year ahead. Don’t forget to get your petrol mower serviced.

By focusing on these tasks, particularly careful pruning, you’ll set the stage for a healthy, vibrant garden that thrives throughout the year.

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